Saturday, February 20, 2010


Cooler heads and common sense prevailed.  We are signing papers and packing boxes.  Big Thank You to my Realtor, Chris Thompson for preserving a sale that I was sure wasn't going to happen.
Now i'm going to be focusing on floor plans and breaking ground for the new house, It's no longer a desire but a reality.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crucial day today

So today is potentially the "make it or break it" day on selling my house.  After finding out the inspector the buyers hired to inspect our house has litigation pending against him for not pointing out mold in a house he inspected a while ago, he has since called mold in every house he inspected.  Even in a house that somebody tried to commit arson in, where the trusses were charred, he called the charred wood mold.
So to break the stalemate; we are calling in a 3rd party; a mold and water specialist.  I hope this guy is a stand up honest guy that doesn't need work and settles this issue.  If he says there is no problem, I hope that should be enough to counteract the damage done by the other inspector.  If they are still not satisfied, I guess the only thing they can do is move on.
There is nothing we would like more than to sell our house and start building our new home, but I'm not going to give away our current house to do it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sic semper tyrannis

Well, it appears the opinion of a home inspection done during one of the most active winter seasons on record will cost me the sale of my home.  If you don't remember we had our house inspected last fall during average conditions and did all the repairs that were suggested.  The potential buyer for our house had their own inspector go through our house during the middle of all the snow and rain we've been having and he said he saw standing water and evidence of water infiltration.
This inspector says the water infiltration he saw was old and new and suggested the buyers have me get it fixed by a company and show receipts and warranties for the work.  I have a big problem with that since I've lived in the house for 10 years and have never had a problem with water in my crawlspace.
We even had the buyers call our original inspector who again agreed there was no evidence of water problems with my crawlspace and said it makes complete sense that we could have a little water with all this rain. 
I don't mind doing repairs for problems that exist, but I have a big problem doing repairs when they are not warranted.  Never mind my house is on a hill and even if I did have water under my house, gravity would naturally carry it away.
I'll let you know how it all works out, but it's not looking good. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Home Inspectors

I understand and fully endorse the concept of a home home inspection prior to buying a home.  Having a certified professional crawl through the house to find potential landmines the sellers are trying to hid or may not even know about is great.
After having my own home inspected by a professional inspector, I'm a bit perturbed at what they find important to report to buyers.  The most ridiculous was for them to tell me to change the air filter in my house (thanks for the reminder).  I couldn't believe the buyers actually included that as one of the "repairs" they wanted done prior to closing.
Also we were told we had standing water in our crawl space.  Keep in mind the inspection was done when we had so much snow and rain and the ground was more saturated than I have ever seen it.  So yeah, there was a little water.  When I when under the house a few days later to remove said water, of course there was none because it had drained out like it is supposed to do. 
There were other things noted that were crazy and I won't bore you with every detail.  But I think inspectors should just use common sense and report the things that really matter.  Not to find as many issues as possible just to make themselves look better because they have a laundry list of things to report.
I also have a bald spot on my lawn with no grasss, lots of weeds; want to report that?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Inspections, Inspections, Inspections

It's nice to be "under contract" but the number of inspections that go on in the home buying process is maddening!  Keep in mind our house has been maintained with quarterly pest inspections and we paid for a home inspector to do an inspection before we put our house on the market.
We have had to allow another home inspection, a termite inspection and a radon test done.  The home inspection went well, nothing really big (just piddly stuff they may not even worry about).  The termite inspector they used is not available to do the inspection before the deadline the buyers setup in the contract.  If it was me I'd use another termite inspector, but whatever.  And we've had a radon test done over the past 2 days.
I've never had a radon test done, but evidentally they attempt to measure 4 pCi of radon gas.  4 pCi is next to impossible to measure, that is 4 trillionths of radioactivity (probably the same amount in a smoke detector or the face of a glow in the dark watch).  If I still worked in Nuclear Medicine, I could have come home with enough radioactive materials from work on my clothes to make that device register >4 pCi.  I really hope the test goes well, but the whole thing is asinine.

Anyway, after the myriad of inspections I hope to have the house sold and start building our "lake house"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here's the proof!!!

Here is a picture to prove we are in the selling/building process.  Hopefully I can soon be telling you about the design components we hope in incorporate in the new house.

Goodbye old house!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog is alive again

It appears we are finally ready to move forward.  We have  a buyer for our current house so now we feel like we can move forward with our building project.  The closing date for the sale of our current home is March 4, so after that we will be focused on building the house!!
Stay Tuned...